NIGHT BUG insect brooch

NIGHT BUG brooch

NIGHT BUG – modern gothic insect jewelry.

Big, bold, and a just a bit quirky this minimal interpretation of an insect is sure to make a big impact on your favorite sweater, jacket or blazer….

made with classic metalsmithing tools.

the brooch is…
and enameled…

it is handmade out of titanium, copper, silver and enameled with ground glass.

♦ a one-of-a-kind accessory
♦ the brooch measures 1 1/4″ wide by 3 1/2″
♦ titanium pin back

For more style options and to follow my experiments visit Etsy where I refine my designs and build a collection.



INSECT GOD brooch – insect jewelry

big and beautiful this bold minimal design is sure to make a statement on your favorite sweater, jacket or blazer…. handmade with classic metalsmithing tools. a modern fantasy bug…

Could also be worn as a necklace – just add a chain.

handmade sterling bezel model – sawn, shaped, soldered, sanded and cast….
sterling silver details hand sawn, sanded, and soldered to base …
wings sawn, sanded, and soldered…
filled with resin …

hand sanded again and polished … finished with a scuffed matte surface.

..colored with resin, ground glass and recycled pigments for an interesting matte surface.

♦ hand fabricated – one of a kind
♦ brooch measures 2 1/2″ wide by 2 3/4″ long
♦ sterling silver manufactured pin back

*NOTE* – this object is handmade with slight variations in the surface color

For more style options and to follow my experiments visit Etsy where I refine my designs and build a collection.